Monday, November 12, 2001

i wish there was something i could do for david ... he is just so upset ... he wants a job so badly ... and to help him i want him to have a job ... it isn't necessary we are doing quite alright ... but it is making him crazy and i know it would do so much for him to be working ... a part of me is selfish ... i love being able to see him all day and we can do whatever we want whenever we want ... but today i think he has hit a low ... and there isn't a thing i can do ... i can just be here if he wants to talk ...

i went out at about 7 to get coffee for the two of us ... he was working on something on his computer ... i was also stopping at CVS to see if they happen to have Scatagories so we could play tonight ... when i got home at 7:45 david was already sound sleep ... he didn't even awake when i told him i was home with coffee ... now it is 1:15 AM and he is still asleep ...

he applied to 10 jobs yesterday ... and just wants to hear back from any of them ... i am at a loss as to what to do now ... he has probably over the last several months applied to over 350 jobs online ... and about 4 months ago we also printed out i think 200 copies of his resume and mailed them to every company in the area and heard nothing ... we have gone to 3 job placement companies and no calls ... and i am telling you he is incredable talented ... he is amazing on the computer and is self taught ... he has the greatest skills and ability to work anywhere ... he is the type of person that could take a job not knowing the program they use and by the end of the day have not only mastered the program but has suggestions as to how to make it better ... it is just such a shitty situation ...

i was thinking today that i should get a job as a secretary or administrative assistant so that he could go back to school ... i know we tried this once before but at the time we just didn't have the money and we didn't know when he would be getting financial aid ... but we could work it so that he could start in the next semester ... and i know how much he would love to go back to school and get a degree in Computer Information Systems ... but i think it would really bother him if i were the one working again and he wasn't ... he has never in his life gone this long without working and i know it is stressing him out to no end ... but i would be more than happy to work and help him get through school ... i love him ... i adore him ... it would only make me happy to help him ...

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