Friday, November 9, 2001

Job Interview

well today didn't go quite how i had planned ... the interview was bogus ... the company david interviewed with is totally taking advantage of the fact that many people in the web hosting industry are out of a job now ... so the salary they are offering is soooooooo low ... i mean it is insulting how low it is for the skills they require [all of which davie has] ... and it is a job that will easily be more than 40 hours a week so when you factor that in the pay is even lower ...

a friend of his thinks he should take the job if they offer it to him in spite of the shitty conditions and i don't think he should ... first of all i am the one that has to live with him while he is working at a job where he feels people are bending him over and fucking him up the ass ... i have gone through that already and it fucking sucks ... he may be bummed out and depressed about not working right now but it is worse when he is at a job he hates or feels he is being taken advantage of ... secondly we have more money right now than we have had when both of us were working ... and we have all this work to do for my dad ... right now we aren't in dire straights ...

if he just wants to work to have some place to go ... and have some time apart then i am still voting for Starbucks ... it is like 7 minutes from the house ... he gets full benefits even if he works part time ... stock options and a pound of fucking coffee each week ... plus he doesn't have to pay for the coffee he wants to drink ... shit we spend about 15 bucks a day there minimum ... some days even more ... and at home we drink about a pound a week ... sometimes even more ... if we don't have to pay for some of our coffee he is already making an additional $120 a week right there ... plus benefits which he doesn't have right now ... and we already know everyone that works there and they are all pretty damn nice ... so why put yourself in a position that just thinking about is making you miserable ...

i mean we also have another option ... my parents have come to terms with the fact that i will probably never get married ... and that if i do i am at the point in life that a big wedding doesn't appeal to me ... i don't have as many friends as i did in my 20's ... so they have offered to use the money they saved for my wedding as a down payment on a condo in the DC area ... a new condo ... 3 bedrooms ... windows ... the works [for us after living in this dungeon] ... we can always move there ...

in my heart i just don't want him to take this job he interviewed for today because i don't want to go through the misery of him working a job he hates ... it just makes life unpleasent ... i realize his need to work ... but to me right now harmony in the house is more important ...

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