Saturday, October 5, 2002

We have had no cable for a week ... that means no TV and no internet ... I have been quite upset to say the least ... but I have found new things to do

Things to do when you don't have cable:

1) play the kids version of Trivial Pursuit [so you feel smart]

2) put tape on all your cats paws and watch him dance around trying to get it off

3) rent DVD's like "Panic Room" [loved the flick who wouldn't with Jodi Foster in it]

4) work on the condo like a maniac for 10 hours a day every day for the last week

5) laundry, laundry and more laundry

6) 12 trips to Home Depot

7) off to bed early each night

8) read even more magazines

9) crank call Comcast just to release some aggression

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