Wednesday, December 12, 2001

well the DVD player is bitchen ... we went and rented a couple of DVDs ... we watched Rush Hour 2 and then i watched the second DVD of Fight Club ... all the while i started working on wrapping my christmas gifts ... i thought i would be finished tonight and could mail everything tomorrow ... boy was i kidding myself ... i didn't even put a dent in what i need to wrap ... i will be spending the day tomorrow wrapping gifts ... so i think when i take rush hour 2 back i am going to rent Legally Blonde ... cause even though i want david to watch it and i know he would dig it ... he isn't going to watch it so i might as well spend the day watching it and wrapping gifts ...

we also didn't get to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" today so i think i may watch that tomorrow too while wrapping gifts ... i love that movie so much i could watch it 100 times ... :)

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