Monday, December 31, 2001


It is the last day of 2001 and i must say ... i am soooooooooooooooo happy this year is over!!!!!

I am quite happy i met david in 2000 cause this year sucked ... at least it means that next year has to get better ...

i mean david lost his job in april ... and i lost mine in september ... we live in the dinkiest basement apartment and hardly see the light of day ... david has applied to 100's of jobs the market is just so bleak ... i have applied to about 100

we had the horrendous World Trade Center disaster along with all 4 planes and The Pentagon ... i cried so much that first week ... david and i were virtually sleepless watching the TV

i just really really hope 2002 brings david and i some good things ... i would say we have been really resilliant this last year with everything that has tried to knock us down and tear us apart ... i really am so happy I have him in my life ...

well i think for the new year and a new outlook on life i am going to redesign this site ... see what inspiration i come up with ... :)

Happy New Year!!

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