Thursday, December 20, 2001

i had some very vivid dreams last night ... i dreamt i was breast feeding a baby ... i dreamt i was in lawrence, kansas and hanging out at a restaurant while an old good friend (not sure who it was) was working ... and a woman came over to me to order a pink cake ... i told her i didn't work there but that i would let someone know for her ... i dreamt i tried to breast feed while driving and deceided it wasn't a good idea cause i almost bumped into the car in front of me cause i had trouble reaching the break peddle ... and i dreamt i got to my house and had to open the gate with a key and got it open just in time for a big truck to roar out the gates ...

so this is what the dream dictionary says:

Breasts / Breast Feeding

Dreaming about breasts can have obvious sexual meaning. However, consider all of the details in your dream in order to obtain the most appropriate meaning. Breasts also represent tenderness, love, and other matters of the heart. Breastfeeding is symbolic of giving or receiving, nurturing, and sustenance. It represents motherly love as well as physical and emotional support and well being. Old dream interpretation books say that breastfeeding is a symbol of great things to come following an extended period of hard work.


It may symbolize the sweet and pleasurable parts of life. The dream may be interpreted according to your interaction with the cake in the dream.


Pink usually symbolizes health and good feelings. It is a traditionally a feminine color, and some feel that it connotes love. Pink is soft and fuzzy, like girls!


The car in your dream may symbolize the physical self or ego development and ego function. In that, it represents the way that you travel through your life's journey. Consider all of the details in the dream, including its emotional content (e.g. difficulty of the road, identity of the driver, direction of the incline). Recurring car dreams usually deal with life's major themes that may include issues of control and sensibility. By carefully examining this dream, you may gain insight into important areas of life, including to how well you are navigating from one stage of your life to another, if you are assertive and take charge or are passive. Dreaming about traveling in a car is a very, very common dream theme that provides valuable information in regard to a specific part of or long-standing theme in your life's journey


As with most dreams, look for the obvious connections by comparing the details or the theme of your dream to your daily life. Are you trying to figure something out and "unlock" a puzzling question? Do you wish to hide something? Are you locking something up or are you opening the door? Last, but not least, does this dream have any sexual connotations?


Many people from time to time will have babies or small children in their dreams. If these newborns are strangers to you, you can assume that they represent you. You are the baby and the dream is telling you something about your development in a particular area of your life. At times of great change and renewal, a baby may appear in a dream and represent your potential and a new beginning. Some of the meaning of the dream may be obtained by considering what the baby looked like and was doing. Generally, babies represent innocence and are symbols of the purest form of a human whose possibilities are endless.

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