Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Last Week

In 11 minutes it will officially be the first day of my last week of maternity leave ... I am just so sad that I have to go back to work ... I truly love being with my children all day long ... and I would relish being a stay-at-home mom ... I was so lucky to have one and I wish my children could too ...

3 months went so quickly I can't believe it ... I made the most of my time with my kids ... Skye and I have made countless trips to the library ... we painted pottery ... went to the mall ... did mani/pedis ... been to Target a gazillion times (her favorite place to go lately) ... done a ton of art projects ... set up a new bed room ... said, "I love you" to each other every 10 minutes and have had countless hugs, kisses and cuddles ... and I have seriously treasured every single minute of it ...

Once I go back to work I'll get maybe 3 or 4 hours a day with them ... it just isn't enough ... I want more ... before I know it they will be grown ... this time is precious ... and I just hate that I have to miss so much of it ...

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