Thursday, June 18, 2009

Posting From My Pre

I am writing this post from my new Palm Pre while listening to my Pandora station on the phone and Skye is playing in the tub ... A M A Z I N G ...that is the best way to describe it ... Besides making me beyond happy it has changed my life ... It syncs with google calendar so now scheduling jobs for david is so easy ... Anything I put in the calendar from my phone or the internet goes to both our phones without us having to do anything ... Talk about making it easy to keep up with everything everyone in the family is doing ... think of the future when there are all sorts of kids stuff to schedule ...

It also connects to any available wifi network ... how slick is that ... when i am out and about it connects ... otherwise it uses the phone and it is super fast ...

the camera is amazing too ... it has a flash ... on my cell phone ... and it takes pictures so fast ... like 2 seconds between them and it might be that slow because i have to hit the button again ... and when i say slow i am being sarcastic ... i actually have taken action shots of skye going down the slide and can get 3 snapped off ...

it is super small ... super light ... and has a full keyboard ... making it easy to type this post ... internet is lightening fast ... the whole thing just absolutely rocks my world ... and every day there are more and more apps for it ... i've played with the iPhone ... this phone blows that out of the water ... it is seriously a mini computer ...

Thank goodness I woke up at the crack of dawn and got in line for these phones ... it was so so so worth it ...

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