Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dry All Day

I haven't blogged in a while ... the spare computer I was using couldn't log into the site and I've been diligently working on resetting up this computer while purging our house of tons of stuff trying to get everyone moved into their rooms and make our room available to redo the bathroom ...and I have a post I've been working on with all the stuff I have missed blogging about but I don't have a program to upload my graphics yet ...

... but ...

I wanted to say how very very proud I am of Skye ... for 3 days now she has been wearing big girl underwear and has made it to the bathroom every time ... even last night her pull-up was dry ... and today I put a pull up on her when we went out and when we got home she said she needed to use the potty and her pull-up was still dry ... so impressed with her ... it just clicked and it was all her decision to start wearing the big girl underwear ...

We still haven't crossed the poop hurdle ... Sunday she waited till I put on the night pull-up ... yesterday she did just go in her underwear ... and today she still hasn't gone ... I am guessing it is the night time pull-up again for her ... but it will happen ...

I'm just so so so very proud of her ... it is a twinge sad seeing her grow up ... I just adore the stage she is at ... constantly saying "I love you" and asking if she can have hugs and kisses ... but I get teary when I think about how proud I am of her ...

1 comment:

  1. What a BIG girl she is becoming.....you will love it when she finally gets there.....life is really so much easier! Although, you still have one in diapers!
