Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Death of a Disk

So I've been gone for a while ... unfortunately my computer died ... I mean really really died ... all gone ... kapoot ...

I had an old laptop to use while I waited for a new disk and to see if we could recover anything from mine ... but unfortunately I couldn't get to wordpress on it ... just didn't load right ...

I have been working for several days now to set up my computer again ... sure does take forever ... I guess when it is a brand new computer it is exciting to set up and you just don't notice how long the process is ...

I still don't have all my programs on here ... can't do web editing yet ... so it is difficult to post photos ... so I am going to do a catch-up post with some images and work on getting the rest of the computer finished up ...

So since I last posted here is an update on what is going on:

Skye has become very interested in dressing herself ... which I just love ... mind you she wore this outfit most of the day ... going out for errands and playing in the yard and it was almost 90 degrees ...

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