Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Home

So I got home around 2:00 this afternoon and the house is so quiet ... it is just David and I ... Skye is still at my mom's and Lincoln is still in the NICU ... it really is so hard coming home without your baby even though there is a good possibility he will be coming home tomorrow ...

We have only a couple of hours before we are heading back to the hospital to feed him and then going to get Skye ...

I did get to take a much needed shower which was nice ... and we do have a bit of work to do before we head out ...

I can't wait till our whole happy family is home together ...


  1. I hope it's today Liz!! I can't imagine having to leave without him - even for a day!

  2. I have been there with Boo it is heart wrenching to not be able to take him home (and yes I know I am delayed on replying to this I am catching up on my blogs while all three of mine are sleeping SHHHH) anywho with Boo he was born at sunrise on thursday and I had to go home to Pahrump (65 miles away) until Monday when his levels were up oh my that was HARD!
