Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Feeding Fool

I didn't want to write anything until I had gotten through the whole day for fear of jinxing anything ... but I spent April Fools Day doing all of Lincoln's feedings ... every 3 hours I was down in the NICU for his bottle ... but the most important part of each bottle was the blood test that was done first ... see for every sugar test done where his numbers were above 55 his glucose central line got to be reduced by 2 mL per Hr ... Tuesday he didn't pass any of them ... in fact a couple of times he had the central line raised ... but starting early Wednesday morning he started passing his tests ... and when I was down there for his 8:30 feeding I got so excited to see the machine reduced by 6 for the 3 feedings during the night ...

So every single time I went down there yesterday he consistantly got scores around 70 which was fantastic ... and by the last feeding David and I did at 11:30 he was reduced to 1 and had actually passed enough to turn off the machine ...

So since I am up in the middle of the night I just called down there to see how he is doing ... the nurse said that after we left at 12:30 he woke up screaming about half an hour later and ate another ounce of food which is great and that his 2:30 test his score was a 72 ... the doctor is coming first thing in the morning and taking out his central line ... and she said he has been pooping up a storm which will help his bilirubin numbers ... they are a bit questionable and he is very red ... in fact David and I call him umpa loompa ... which is a sign of some jaundice but since he was to term the numbers have to be higher than his before they use the bili lights ...

So now once they take out his central line he has to go 24 hours with good sugar tests ... tests that are above 55 and ideally around 70 and then he is allowed to go home ... I'm sorry I will be leaving today because I would love to do another full day of feedings to see how he is doing ...

I'm just so very proud of how well he did all day Wednesday ... it was such a great day for all of us!!

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