Friday, May 15, 2009

More Caterpillar Fun

As soon as we went outside today Skye started looking for her caterpillar ... but unfortunately he was not around ... we ran around and played and then she started yelling, "Mommy he came back ... he came back!!" ... and there he was (or one that looks just like the caterpillar from yesterday) ... she was soooooo excited that she ran right over and picked him up ... yesterday she barely pet him and today she was carrying him all over the back yard ... having him climb up her arm and shirt ... giving him kisses ... it was so cute and so great to see her not scared of a bug ...

She tried really hard to get us to let him come in the house ... she wanted to sleep with him ... we had to explain he needed to stay outside because that is where he live ... especially when she proclaimed him her new best friend ...

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