Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good-bye Dr. Cole

I had my 6 week postpartum appointment today ... it was the first time I saw my doctor since I gave birth to Lincoln because he went on vacation right after ... so I was very happy to see him and catch up ...

I just adore my doctor ... I interviewed several doctors when we started talking about having a family and he was the best by far ... I didn't know if I would ever find a doc I liked as much as Dr. Klein in Cali ... but I did ...

He told me I needed to make my yearly appointment for 4 months from now and then said, "But this is the last time I will see you. I am moving to Seattle." ... my jaw just dropped ... I was stunned and bummed and even began to tear up ... I don't want to find a new doctor ... I want him as my doctor ...

David and I toss around the idea of another child ... or if we decide not to I want to have ablation done ... I wanted him to be the doctor that does all that ...

I am just really so sad he is moving away ... I will really miss him ... it is hard finding a doctor that you really like and trust so much ...

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