Thursday, July 31, 2008

M&M Mini's Containers

So my friend Shelly has a post up about what to do with all of her M&M Mini's containers ... and I have the same dilemma ... I have a ton of them and they are great little containers and I don't want to throw them away ... I was hoping to come up with a project to use them all but that hasn't happened ... but I have thought of several different cute things I could do with them ... since I can no longer use them to hold pills in my purse cause Curly Top knows M&M's come in them and she does love playing in my purse ...

1. They are the perfect size to hold several crayons in my purse without breaking them so we always have something to color with
2. They hold several baby wipes to keep them in my purse when I don't have the diaper bag with me and they stay wet so they are perfect for quick clean-ups
3. Cutely decorated they could make a perfect Tooth Holder for the Tooth Fairy
4. They hold my headphones and headphone splitter quite well
5. Needles for my needle work - closes tightly and keeps them all in one place
6. I have one in my suitcase and purse now with some spare buttons, needles and string and safety pins and my eyeglass repair kit cause I always seem to need one of those items when I don't have them
7. I don't need quarters for the laundry mat anymore but it does hold an entire roll
8. I've also found it holds lots of valuable stuff that on a necklace could come in handy - so that might be my project ... it does fit my all time favorite lip balm, Lypsil, perfectly ... there could be a time I want to wear it around my neck ... I doubt it but you never know!!

Granted I am still looking for a fun project for them ... but nothing is coming to me ... and my purse looks like I am a candy junky ... which might not be entirely false but I don't carry that much around with me ...

1 comment:

  1. I googled this and found a lip balm recipe and you can fill the containers with the lip blm and cutely deorate them even put them on a necklace. *shrugs* I might do that for the holidays esp the red and green ones.
