Thursday, August 21, 2008

Work With Mommy Day

So my mom is still working on everything for the family reunion ... and she had Curly Top all day yesterday so I told her today while D was working I would just take Curly Top to work with me ...

Of course everyone was very excited to see her ... and except for no nap at all she has been very good today ... I mean it wears me out having her here cause it is double duty ... but it is still great getting to spend the whole day with her ...

So she hammed it up all day for the cameras ... just a doll I tell you ... she has really taken to showing off for people ... cracks me up ...

Coloring with Mary first thing she wanted to do
Watching a movie at mommy's desk
Watching Caillou at Mary's desk
Happier at Mary's desk than mommy's
A fake out nap with a movie in Granddaddy's office
Playing with Marianne in the lunch room
Loving the big green ball
Our little Soldier
Gathering the troops
Quiet time before going home

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