Saturday, August 16, 2008

Glen Echo Park

Today we headed out to Glen Echo Park ... I have wanted to go there for so long ... they have a carousel from the early 1900's when the park was a premiere amusement part ... the whole park is so awesome ... it has lots of different arts things now but that carousel is beautiful ... Curly Top just absolutely loved it ... we went on it ... then went to play in the park for a while .. and then headed back for another ride on the carousel ... well we couldn't get right on it because it was in the middle of a ride and she LOST it ... just melted down and lost it ... but was once again happy as ever when it was finally our turn to get on ... she originally got on one of the horses but then saw they had bunnies you could ride on ... that was all she wanted so each time we had to find the bunnies to ride on ... I can't wait to go back to the park again ... I am sure she feels the same way!! 

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