Sunday, August 24, 2008


As you can see tonight we got to play a lot ... Curly Top took a late nap so she was full of energy and while daddy was out she and I got our "play" on ... coloring ... Little People ... cooking in the kitchen and lastly block ... she just loves all her blocks and was so proud of her tower ...

Man every moment I spend with her is wonderful ... even if she is throwing a tantrum and screaming to when she is yelling "come mommy" and plants a big 'ole kiss on me cause I come with her ... she is just the greatest little thing to come into my life ... I am so so so lucky ...

David always jokes that he wants her to go to college here and live at home forever ... now I know that isn't going to happen but I can't say I would be disappointed if it did ... it brings tears to my eyes when I think about how lucky I am to have her ...

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