Saturday, March 21, 2009

Last Year Before 40

So today is my 39th birthday ... my last year in my 30's ... seems hard to believe ... I remember being a kid and this being really old ... doesn't feel so old when you get here ...

I got to wake up without an alarm ... and hang out and have breakfast with my family ... and we all headed out to Target ... we had gift cards and figured we should get baby stuff now ... rather than on the way home from the hospital or something ...

So we stocked up on formula and got new bottles ... a killer baby blanket ... I got Skye some nightgowns and my goodness is she adorable in nightgowns ... and I got all her Easter stuff since I probably won't get to go to Target again before Easter ... which included a cool pair of Chuck Taylor's in white with a white star ... I wanted to get a pink pair and a red pair too but I refrained ... for now ...

David and Schuyler finished digging the new garden while I hung out and watched and then we all headed over to my parents house to celebrate my birthday and Abby's first birthday ... we had dinner and cupcakes and had a really nice evening ... it was a whole lot of fun ...

And now I am actually heading up to bed early ... we are all tired and I figure if I can get a bit of extra sleep now why not take it ... could be another couple of years again before that happens ... maybe I'll even sleep late in the morning too ...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like it was a great family day.
