Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Schuyler's 3rd Birthday

There were so many great photos and videos from the day I made a montage rather than post the pictures ...

I can't believe 3 years ago today I was giving birth to my little big girl ... seems like yesterday ... the time really does zoom by ...

We started the festivities yesterday by making party hats ... which was a blast ... and it made her even more excited for her birthday ... she has been talking about her birthday for a month now but this activity let her know it was almost the big day ... for the last month she has been telling us she needs party hats, cake and candles for her birthday and we made sure she had all those things ...

She woke up this morning and saw her party hats on the table ready for the celebration ... along with balloons (her favorite) and cards (which she LOVES to open - she even opened all of my Mother's Day ones for me) and a present on the table ... she was in awe of it all ...

The present was a jump rope with bee handles on it and she couldn't stop saying "thank you" ... she has wanted a jump rope that is her size for some time now ...

After cinnamon rolls for breakfast we got dressed ... grabbed "kitty" and headed to the mall ... once there we headed straight to Build-a-Bear where she picked out a new outfit for kitty and found out they now have tiny versions of their animals ... so your stuffed animal can have its very own stuffed animal ... so of course Kitty needed her own kitty ...

We then went and had french fries in the food court (such a treat) and headed for the car ... she kept saying she wanted to go to the car and pointing us in the direction of where the car was ... turned out it wasn't our car she wanted to go to she wanted to play in the play area at the mall ... I didn't even know it was there and David said it has been at least 6 months since she has been there ... but she remembered it and where it was ... so we hung out there for some time so she could play and run around and have a blast ...

Everyone was wiped out when we got home so we got to take a nice family nap and rest up for the most exciting part of the day ... CAKE ... she woke up asking for cake for breakfast so it was a long wait for the end of the day ...

We all donned our party hats ... lit the candles and sang happy birthday ... and she was in heaven ... she looked oh so happy ... as soon as she blew out the candles she asked if we could do it again ... and why not ... you have to wait 364 days for your next birthday ... so we lit the candles again and sang happy birthday again and it was even better the second time around ...

We all loved the ice cream cake ... Schuyler kept proclaiming, "It's delicious mommy. Thank you." ...

Later she was passed out with a bowl of spilled apples on her bed and her jump rope in her hand ... you know it is a great day when that is how you fall asleep ...

Birthdays were always so special in our house ... my parents always made me feel super special on my birthday and I looked forward to big day all year ... I still do even at age 39 ... I sure hope we are instilling that feeling in our kids ... it is nice to have that great feeling ... it has always meant a lot to me and I am thankful for it ... I hope one day Schuyler and Lincoln feel the same way ...

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